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Honor Jeff's memory in peace, love, and unity.

Obviously this isn't a serious image, but who needs maudlin displays of affection, endless streams of tears, and web sites with black backgrounds? There's something to be said for the resolution of damaged emotions.

Jeff Buckley's death deeply affected his family, friends, and fans, and if the current climate of discussion is any indication, too many people are focusing on hurtful things. Everyone has their "side" and their interpretation of what is ideal, but ideal's are rarely attainable. The truest ideal in life is also it's greatest fight: the fight to lose ego in the greater pursuit of peace. Not the kind of peace that exists simply to avoid necessary questions, but the kind of peace that honors the lives of beautiful people and edifies the lives of those who seek such a thing.

We can suppress the urge for controversy and devote ourselves instead to creating a beautiful climate for the release of one human souls last goodbye.

-dennis in the delphi

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