The Love Test       The Love Test      

We have developed a questionnaire that measures love and its dimensions. The scale is made up of 68 items that describe love that were drawn from some current research on love. It should take you under an hour to complete this Love Test and go through the results. You should take the test in private.

You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire and submit that to obtain the Love Test. This questionnaire contains items that will allow us to answer questions like: Do people who have been in a relationship for a long time differ in how they experience or view love from people who have been in a relationship a short time? Do males and females experience love differently? Do relationships on the net differ from in-person relationships in terms of how people experience love? etc. The information you provide will also allow us to develop normative scores so that people taking this test will be able to compare how they scored against group norms. No information that could be used to uniquely identify you will be collected.

When you complete the questionnaire and submit it, we will send you back a page of results that tells you how you scored and how to interpret your scores.

There are three different options:

  1. The first version measures what you think love is. You can take the Concept of Love version regardless of whether you are currently in love. How you score on this version will help you to understand how you view love.
  2. The second version measures the amount of love that you are experiencing currently in your relationship. You can take the Experience of Love version if you are currently in love. How you score on this version will help you to look at what you're getting from your relationship and to find ways to enrich your experience of love.
  3. If you take both versions, you will also be able to compare your experience of love to what you think love should be. (This is the option we recommend if you're currently in love.)

Enjoy! and be sure to let us know what you think of our Love Test.
We hope that it contributes something of value to your life.
Betty and Jim.

Hit the Beach,
Wave of the Day
June 29, 1996.
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The Love Test, Copyright © 1996, Betty Harris and Jim Glover.